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May 14, 1778
The troops are exempted from exercise "every Fryday afternoon" to wash "their linnen" and bathe. "The ____ who Conduct the soldiers to Beathe Are to be particularly careful that no man remains longer than Ten Minutes in the Water - ..."

May 16th Division Orders
"...The Genl has observed a less number of bayonets than usual on the parade; he therefore Wishes the Officers to Direct An Immediate Search for all such as may be in Camp and cause the soldiers to Clain and wash them, punishing those who neglect or loose them in the most Exemplary manner - The Genl wishes the Officers to Cause their men to Cut their hair thinner and shorter this afternoon and as uniform as possible.
By order of Genl Wayne
Benjamin Fishburn Aid Di Camp"
[Also: "as hot weather approaches" exercise will be one hour earlier in the morning, from 5 to 6 a.m.]

May 27, 1778
Orders that "mud plastering" to be removed from the huts "to render them as airy as possible" and also that the powder of "one cartridge each day" in each hut be burned "to purify the air or a little tar if it can be procurred."


[It is worth noting that this book includes a "size roll of major murray's co" which lists the height of 35 of Murray's 50 men. The tallest (two men) are 5'11" and the shortest (three men) are 5'1." The average height of Murray's men is 5'6."]

Regimental Orders, May 30, 1778
"The Commanding Officers of Companies to make out rolls immediately of the Clothing, arms, and accoutrements now in possession of their men; that an exact account be kept in order to prevent their selling or destroying any part of them...
-- Henry Bicker Coll"

"Regimental Orders, Brunswick July 3d 1778
The whole of the Regt to be paraded at five O Clock, At which Time the Arms, Ammunition & Accoutriments of the men Are to be particularly Inspected, And Should there be Any guns found in bad Order; the Officers Commanding Companies are Desired to See that they have them perfectly Clean by tomorrow morning; The Regt will remain in the Barracks this Night; the Col Desires the men may have their Shirts And Stockings well washed And themselves well Bathed in the Afternoon.
-- Walter Stewart Col"

"Regimental Orders Camp Paramus July 10th 1778
The Capts or officers Commanding Companies, before they leave their Encampment, to Equally Divide the Drums and Fifes, Belonging to the Regt. in the Different Companies, by Drawing for them or Otherwise, Except Jesse Moore, Who is to be Annexed to the Cols Company."

"Regimental Orders Camp Kings Ferry July 15th 1778
A Court of Enquiry to Sit Tomorrow; Whereof Capt Howel is to be president, To Enquire And Give their Opinion, Whither it was through Neglect of Lieut Norton, that the Second Penna Regt Did not Get provision Yesterday..."

"Regimental Orders July 17th 1778
The Court of Enquiry, Whereof Capt Howel was president to Enquire into the Conduct of Lieut Norton With Respect to his Not Having Drawn provision on the Thirteenth Inst for the Regt Report As Their Opinion that it was Occasioned by his (Lieut Norton) Having Received Intelligence that ye Regt had received Intelligence for Marching; And its Not being Contradicted till too Late; The Commissary had Issued out All the Good flour Which he had to the Qtr Masters of the Regt before Mr Norton Received Returns, Mr Norton to take Command."

"Regimental Orders July 26th 1778
            A Subaltern for the future to be appointed As Regimental Officer of the Day, Whose Business it Must be to See that their men keep their tents Clean, Their provisions properly Coocked, Their Arms Laid Out when fair weather in front of their respective companies or Racks, and particularly Inspect into the Situation of the Sick in ye Regt. As Good Musick is the life of a Corps in Marching, the Col. desires the Officer of the Day to Observe particularly the Attention paid by the Drum + fife Majors to the Boys under Their Command; for Which purpose, the drum and fife Majors are at the hours of Nine in the Morning and Three in the Afternoon to assemble there boys together, And March them to the tent of the officer of the Day, who will See they Are all present, They will then go to a Convenient place for practice and Remain at each time two Hours before they return, where they will again be Marched to the officer of the Day's tent and there Dismissed, The Major's by their Attention to the Boys will Meet the Col's Thanks and favour, but on a Contrary Conduct will meet disgrace and punishment.
 -- Walter Stewart Col 2nd PR"

"Regimental Orders July 28th 1778 [White Plains, NY]
The Col is Apprehensive [of] the Mens Bathing to often in the Dirty Run before the Encampment, may occasion their having the fever And Ague he, therefore positively forbids their going in more than once A Day which must be in the Evening; Fife Major Brandon is to have the Instructions of the fifes of the Regt, they are to obey and pay proper Attention to him, they must be out with the Drums of the Regt. from Nine to Eleven O Clock in the Morning, and twice afterwards with Brandon on the hours he will appoint, the Regt to manoever Every Morning from Six to Eight O Clock and in the afternoon from Five to Seven, During the Absence of the Major, Mr Irwine is to Exercise the Regt. and to pay Strict Attention to the Manoevers practised by the Barron Sturbane.
The Col cannot help Returning his thanks to the Gentlemen Officers of his Corps for their Great Attention in Attending the Hours of parade, they may be assured Such conduct will Always Gain the Esteem of the Superior officers, the confidence and affection of their men and the respect of the Army in General.
-- Walter Stewart Col"


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