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"B.O. [Brigade Orders] Nov 28th 1778
As the Hats expected for the Penna Line are not yet arrived, Genl Wayne desires that those Hats in the Brigade, which do not admit of being properly cocked have the fore part of the Brim cut 3/4 of an Inch and the Back Part Cocked Up, and Bound Round with White Tape or linin, The women of the several Regts to be Imployed in ye binding of them; such of the Hats which admit of a good Cock are to be preserved in that form.
-- Adam Hubley Col Commd"

"R.O. [Regimental Orders, Nov. 2_, 1778]
The officers Commanding Companys to fit their men with coats this evening (as large coats are now arrived) The Drums and Fifes belonging to the Respective Companys to be fitted with the Old Cloths as far as is necessary to keep them warm until their new cloths are Made, the rest of the Old Cloths to remain in the hands of the men and be Taken account of with the new, in the List of Clothing to be used on Duty of Fataque [fatigue], Clothing to be Chosen by the Officers Commanding Companys to fit as well as may be; the men on Commd with the infantry is to be Sent with those of the Brigade in order to their being Clothed.
-- John Murray Major"


FROM ORDERLY BOOK AM 6542 (Kept by John Irvine "Capt.-Lt. and Adjt")

[ believed to be Tuesday Apr. 4, 1780]
"...All Battalion Officers to Captains Inclusively are without loss of time to provide themselves with Espontoons. they are to apply in the first instance to the Qr Mr Genl for such as may be in his possession and if not furnished there to the field commissary of Military Stores, those who have been already supplied by the publick and now destitude are to provide themselves none are to Mount Guard or go on Detachment without being armed with Espontoons."

"Fryday Head Quarters Morristown Aprill 7th 1780
...at the Division Court Martial of which Lt Col Murray is President  were tryed the following Persons...Serjt Gosnell of the 2d Regiment for Disobedience of orders and Mutiny + Sentenced to be reduced to the ranks and receive 100 lashes-The General Confirms the Above Sentence and orders them to take place this Evening at Roll Call Excepting Serjt Gosnell whose punishment (on account of Certain Circumstances) he is induced to remit. I likewise restore him.
By Order of Major Genl St Clair"

"Hdqtrs M Town Aprill 18th 1780
"...The members of the Antient and Honourable Society of Free and Excepted Masons in the different lines + Staff of the Army are Invited to the Funeral of Maj Piott of their Faternity at Morristown on Wednesday ye 19th Instant 3 oClock P.M...."

Regimental Orders May 17, 1780

             [Emphasizes that soldiers must become "perfectly acquainted" with the maneuvers of "Barron Steuben" and that officers must attend the parade at all times of exercise.]

"B.O. [Brigade Orders] May 23d 1780
"The Commissary having received Instructions to Issue Dayly till further orders the following ration. Commanding Officers of the Regts are Desired to see that the same is Dayly Drawn for their own men or such part as is to be procured Viz one Pound and a qtr of Bread one Qtr of a pound of Indian meal, and 3/4 of a lb of Salt or Fresh Beef or 1/2 a lb of Salt Pork..."
-- Walter Stewart Col Cmdg"

"Weds Hdqtrs Mtown May 24th 1780
"Each Regt to make a return of arms and accoutrements wanting, none to be Delivered to Waggoners Waiters of the Genl Field + Staff Officers, but only to those men who appear in Action & 8 Musquets without Bayonetts to be delivered to each regt for the Camp Color men."






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