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April 17, 1778
"Regimental Orders
The Colonel is sorry to find that so little attention has been given to the General Order for cutting the Mens Hair now desires that the commanding Officers of Companys in camp will see the order Punctually Complied with Tomorrow no longer Delay will be Dispensed with - ...
Henry Bicker Col"

Regimental Orders April 18, 1778
"The Colonel expects that the officers will attend the parade better than they have hitherto done particularly when the brigade is to Manoever."

April 28, 1778
"...The medicine chests from Seatts and Woodfords Brigades to be sent to Yellow Springs tomorrow to be refilled by the Apothecary Genl Mr. Cutting - ..."

April 30, 1778
"Lost the 25th Instant between the sign of the Command Hutt and the White horse on Lancaster Road, a black leather pocket Book, brass hasp, Containing a number of Valuable papers, a Diamond Ring, And About 100 Dollars in Cash, part of which are Several Small bills of Different States - 30 Dollars Reward to any person Who Will leave the Same at the Orderly Office - ..."

May 1, 1778
"Found near Genl Woodfords Brigade A Small Seal Set in pinchback One Side plain the Other Side a head and two faces the Seal is With the Commdg officer of the Brigade."

"May 1 1778 Hdqtrs Valley Forge
...On the Day of Muster the Men are to be brought on the parade Clain Dressed in their Regimentals With their Arms and Accoutrements, they are to be Drawn Up in the order they stand on the Roll With their Arms Shouldered and Bayonets fixed the officers take post in front of their Respective Companies And to continue there During the time of Muster the field and staff officers are to attend. And no officer or soldier to be absent unless on duty or prevented by sickness..."

May 2, 1778
"Comdr in Chief Directs that Divine Services be performed Every Sunday at 11 O Clock in those Brigades in Which there are Chaplains, those that have none to attend the places nearest them."

May 3, 1778
"...drummers to be ready to beat the long roll 15 minutes before time to do it, must beat same time throughout camp starting on right of camp + picked up by all others."

May 4, 1778
            (Officers to be "pointedly exact" in following the directions of the Inspector General, von Steuben, so the "strictest uniformity may be observed throughout the whole army"). "...not to practice a single manuever nor any method different from it, any alteration or Invitation will again plunge the Army into that Contrariety and Confution from which it is Endeavoring to Immerge...Officers of Regts Will Order their Necessaries to be hid with boughs or hurdels..."
[Orderly book also mentions that pieces of wood will be inserted in the "cocks" of the muskets in place of flints when the men are exercising.]

Headquarters Valley Forge May 5th 1778
"...At a Brigade Court Martial Whereof Col Bicker Was president April the 24th 1778 Thos Hartnet A Soldier in the 2d Pennsa Regt Tryed for Desertion to the Enemy found Guilty And Unanimously sentenced to be hung by the Neck Until he be Dead, the Commander in Chief Approves of the foregoing Sentence..."

May 9, 1778
Drummers to practice from 5 to 6 a.m. and 4 to 5 p.m. and no other time, otherwise..."the intention is intirely destroyed as it will be Impossible to distinguish whether they are beating for their own pleasure or a signal to the troops."

May 10, 1778
"...a Centinel to keep the Men from carting filth into the Ditch in front of the Brigade."

Division Orders May 12, 1778
"...a return of the # of Rifles in Each Brigade to be made in order to Exchange them for an equal number of Muskets and Bayonets; they must note that Equal Number of Cartridge boxes and bayonet belts will be wanted as there may be rifles exchanged. the Genl observes that the soldiers Clothing for Want of a little Attention is getting Very Much Out of Order, he therefore Wishes Every Commanding Off of Regts + Corps to cause the Taylors to repair the Coats or Uniform of the Soldiers Immediately And by all means prevent them from carrying their provisions or Water on their heads or Shoulders as nothing tends to Destroy and Dirty their hatts and Uniform Equal to this Unsoldierly practice. Officers will punish every soldier that may be Guilty of it in the future.
Anty Wayne BG"


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